Welcome to
Fight To Survive
A survival based PvP Minecraft server
Fight To Survive is a Hardcore Server.
- Scaling deathbans up to 15 minutes
- Hard mode, mobs are tough and crystals do full damage for PvP
- PvP tagging, stops people from escaping PvP by logging out, using /home, or using ender pearl stasis
- Nether roof is disabled
- You get 1 /sethome
- Safe zones at spawn and the end spawn
- There’s a warp from spawn to the end
- Main end exit portal will take you to your bed, or /sethome
- Auto-regenerating spawn and end pvp zones
- No /tpa
- No /rtp
- No /spawn
- No crates
- No keys
- No kits
- No P2W
Minecraft Server Rules | Fight to Survive:
1) – No cheating
Do not use X-Ray, tracers, auto-totem, fly hacks, movement hacks, or any other modification that gives you an advantage over vanilla players. (Timed auto-clickers are allowed for AFKing) Attempting to utilize any type of glitch (item duping, X-Ray glitches, TNT dupers, abusing new player protection, etc.) is bannable. This includes attempting to crack, use, or leak the world seed
2 – No Lag Machines / Lagging The Server
Creating or operating any type of machine intended to cause lag on the server, or doing anything with apparent intent of lagging the server will get you banned. Non-intentional lag machines can also be met with punishment depending on circumstances.
3) – No Doxxing / ddosing
Do not share player's personal / real life information (names, address, location, IP's, images, etc.) on the server, or attempt to interrupt the server / other players connection for any reason. It doesn't matter if you have their permission to do it or not, and even joking about it is means for a ban. Action may be taken against individuals who participate in this, even when it happens outside of the Fight To Survive server.
4) – No Spamming Chat
Sending excessive messages or DMs will get you muted (same goes for chat flooding)
5) – No Advertising Other Servers
Sending the names, links, IP's, websites, etc. of any other Minecraft or Discord servers is not allowed (unless you have DryerBox's explicit permission)
6) – Do Not Attempt, Conspire, or Threaten To Break Any Rules
Planning or collaborating to break the rules is punishable. Additionally, attempting, pretending, threatening, or joking to break rules can be grounds for punishment.
7) – Do not become overly toxic or harmful to the community
If at any point you are found to be too extreme or harmful for the server, you may be banned. Do not single out and harass players, constantly send extreme messages, or attempt to evade chat filters on banned words.
8) – Be Respectful Of The Server, Rules, & Staff
The staff members are here to help you, and make your experience on FTS better
Bonus Rule) – You must follow all of Mojang’s terms and service / EULA
You agreed to the terms when you bought the game and they must be followed on Fight To Survive
If you still are unsure of the rules, or if a certain action is allowed, then always feel free to ask staff! If you wish to appeal a mute / ban, then create a ticket in our discord.
Play now: fighttosurvive.net
More Info
Server Details Identity:
Server IP: fighttosurvive.net
Server location: Dallas, Texas
Server hosting: Dedicated machine with top of the line hardware
Server version: 1.21.1 Java Edition (Bedrock port: 19132)